Sunday, November 1, 2009

Is it bad to black out in the Royal Palace?

Yes. It is.

Last Friday, October 23, I went on a tour (free, of course) of Hapsbourg (basically a neighborhood in Madrid) and the Royal Palace. It was such an amazing experience. The detail in some of the rooms of the palace was so outstanding it was hard to believe it had been around for that long. Can you even imagine how long that sort of thing would've taken back then? I can't. Unfortunately, we couldn't take pictures because I would've loved to have shared the beauty of this place. That is, until I couldn't see it anymore...

Okay. So I've had my fair share of black out spells, all at the most inopportune times: twice in church, once while driving, once in the shower, and now, once in the Royal Palace in Madrid, Spain. I can't say it was the best experience ever, but it sure will be one for the books. Maybe I'll tell my kids some day, "You know, your mother has blacked out in the Royal Palace of Spain..." Then again, maybe not. Regardless, I sure won't forget that tour. What a memory.

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